Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Gil Oh Gil

quoted directly of Vic's post on 9KPBL:

@ Vlad: I heard about that post-game locker room interview/melee. Reporters were supposedly all over him and he was supposedly still joking in typical Gil fashion, but was somewhat less wacky. At least until he dropped this gem: "Stern is mean."

In retrospect, as Tom mentioned, Gil has been acting like a jacka$$ as far as his jokes and tweeting about the situation. As far as the public eye goes, he messed up there pretty badly. Guns are no joke in a country where thousands of people are victims of gun violence. I know you guys from the states probably have somewhat of a different take on this than us peace-loving, tree-hugging, and babymaking Canadians, given your constitutional right to pack heat. I know that when it comes to the locker room and athletes, almost anything goes (besides homosexuality, just ask Tim Hardaway and John Amaechi), it's what guys do and often it stays in house, but without knowing what really went down, and likely we never will now with the media just taking this all over the place with their speculation and gossiping, guns anywhere does not make sense.

My initial reaction was that Gil is being cruxified, and becoming Stern's example. But I still am somewhat reserved about it all. Who cares how it went down, the pure fact is that Gil had guns where he shouldn't have had them = criminal act. What does that entail as far as your professional future? I guess my only seemingly intelligent answer is that if I was his boss, I would begin with a suspension (that would not extend beyond the season) until the matter has been resolved federally and internally, and then come down with a more finite decision. The federal investigation should be exclusive of the internal NBA investigation, although the latter should be informed by the former or done in conjunction.

I want to make a joke about all of this, but I don't know if it is really that funny of a situation. Guns. A man potentially losing his main professional career for good. Tough to find the punchline anywhere in this mess, except being yet another lesson to younger players about what not to (obviously) do

4 hours ago

Playing devil's advocate: I think Stern had to do what he had to do to protect his business. He could not let Gil clown him, the league, and more importantly, the situation like this. If Stern had let this one slip through his fat little fingers then one would have to ask if the next step would be to let the NRA direct an "NBA Cares" commercial. God bless the second amendment eh? If it weren't for this little constitutional relic, we likely would not be having this insane conversation

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