Friday, December 31, 2010


discovering new songs every day!
this one might be a bit too slow or cheese for some.
i felt it when i heard it first.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Family Time @ Christmas

yes, my Family consists of rabbits

Monday, December 20, 2010

Monday = Big Bear Time

Winter brings on many changes in animals lives, whether it be migration by animals such as the whales, seals, turtles, eels, crabs, fish, butterflies etc.

However, for some animals hibernation is the preferred method of escaping the cold of winter.

For example, the small ground squirrel illustrates some of the remarkable changes that take place. It’s body temperature drops to within a few degrees of the cold outside its den. The heart will beat only once or twice a minute. When it is active, the squirrel may breathe a few hundred times each minute, but in hibernation it takes a slow breath only once every five minutes. Despite these changes, its blood remains saturated with oxygen, and little used muscles remain in tone ready for action when they awaken. Bears however, are not true hibernators. The body temperature of bears stays normal. They burn an estimated 4,000 food calories a day. While in hibernation they can awake and move about quite often. Yet they can exist for three months or more without food or water.

During their hibernation, the bears neither defecate or urinate. This would normally mean that nitrogenous wastes during that time would cause poisoning to the urinal system. However this it does not do. The bear solves its nitrogenous waste problem by a form of recycling." The hibernating bears body diverts nitrogen from pathways that synthesise urea into pathways that generate amino acids and new proteins. And it does this by glycerol (produced when fats are metabolized) and recycled nitrogen as the building blocks" according to the New Scientist Magazine of February 1985.

The female grizzly bear will have her cubs during the winter hibernation. During hibernation she does not eat or drink anything at all, yet still she is able to nurse and care for her cubs. The mating period usually occurs in may to early July each year, and the cubs are born generally around January or February, right during the cold winter months. But the gestation period is not very long for the female. She has very tiny offspring usually weighing only a pound or two at birth, so it is easier for her to nurse and feed them even though she does not eat or drink anything during those months.

Compared with winter hibernation of animals such as woodchucks, squirrels, snakes, frogs, and so forth, the winter sleep of many bears is only a series of naps. This is because the slumber of bears in the winter may be disturbed, as their body temperature stays high and their breathing remains at the normal rate. Some will even awake on their own accord in the winter and prowl around for a few hours or days at a time.

Scientists in Yellowstone Park discovered that grizzly bears were likely to choose dens where they would not likely be disturbed. Some of the dens were right on canyon walls where it would be very difficult for access by anyone or anything. All of the dens that were on slopes faced north, so that warm spells would not warm up the den and awake the sleeping bear. The dens were cozily lined with a fine insulation of pine and fir boughs.

It has also recently been discovered that grizzly bears would not enter their dens for hibernation until the onset of a blizzard, the type of blizzard that would quickly cover their tracks as they entered into their dens. This would serve as a fine protection for them during their hibernation, as no one would know that there was a sleeping bear deep inside of that den.

It would not be very practical for bears to refuse to play their roles in preparation for their hibernation necessary for their survival of the harshness of winter. In fact for them to ignore this would literally mean death for them. However, bears are not of such intelligence to appreciate the signs of approaching winter, but they act on an inbuilt instinct that moves them in such a way for their self-preservation.

Where man can read the signs of the weather, and can note on a calendar to see when winter is approaching, the bear does not have the same kind of intelligence.

However, for them to hibernate means their survival. These cold changes in the winter months can be taken for granted by man. Yet, for animals it is a time of great changes.

Friday, December 17, 2010


10:00 - Young Lions @ Britannia CC for Film Festival 4 Peace

12:14 - Art Sale @ Mindan's House

16:20 - Babko Residence to check on the Grinders!

19:00 - TCC Gym

22:00 - Banana Peelers

22:40 - NBA JAM

03:24 - sleep?

Monday, December 13, 2010

RIPs aka Despicable Accents + Stories

Well time to put to rest "Dexter" as a TV Show, it was great for 2 seasons, too bad for me i watched it all the way through this 5th season, and while watching the finale i was swearing to myself that this is it! The show became too cheesy, too unrealistic, and simply pointless.

Kind of the way i did with the "Rubicon" earlier this year. After maybe the fifth episode it was giving me the blue balls. I hanged around till the seventh, but i was spitting in the air and trying to catch it, thats how boring the show was. Have to say the acting was big part of the boredom, never mind the worse plot/story ever for trying to be a mystery/conspiracy show.

Also a big RIP goes out to one of the movies that i was excited for only based on the suspenseful trailers that were released way ahead of the movies release date. What saved this movie was the music for obvious reasons that Hans Zimmer worked on it. Steve Carrel is the lead voice, or should i say some horrible Russian type of an accent. Maybe i am offended by it or maybe i just don't get it...

Official Zhukowski Rating: 6.2/10 bananas

Am i becoming a harsh critic? Have i always been this way? IS this just 'bad run' of few bad TV shows/films in a row? Hopefully!

Friday, December 10, 2010

You Are Out There

Who would have thought that Sacha Baron Cohen could be beat in his own game, but this is beyond fucking epic. Joaquin totally fucking put his balls on the line for his art and has proven that he has more balls than anyone in show business.

Official Zhukowski Rating: 7.9/10 bananas + bonus 0.5 banana for actor being bananas and pulling this off, no matter from what side you look at it.

User Reviews

I'm Still Here - But Not All There
14 September 2010 | by renee-844-417622 ( (Australia) – See all my reviews

I'M STILL HERE will have people wondering - is Joaquin Phoenix all there? The twice Oscar-nominated actor (Gladiator and Walk The Line) is directed by his brother-in-law, the Oscar-nominated Casey Affleck (The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford) in a documentary about a year in his life (Australian release - September 16).

It covers the period from when he blurted out he was leaving acting for hip hop, includes the infamous interview with David Letterman and serves as a reminder of the flipside of fame.

Did we need reminding?

Well, yeah - the current human addiction to fame is out of control. Ask a lot of people what they want in life and they'll say 'to be famous' - not to do anything amazing which results in a modicum of fame - it's fame in itself and for itself.

And such empty fame is a very destructive force. The Wright Brothers found fame by getting people to fly. That's good. Linsday Lohan found fame by crash landing her life. That's bad. She ignored the gift of her acting talent by getting distracted with the shiny wrapping paper of attention. (It's a very different thing to recognition.)

The beer-gutted, bearded, babbling boy that is Joaquin Phoenix is a revelation in the doco. The audience I was with laughed out loud all the way through it. And sure, it's funny - in a tragic way - like when a cat falls into a bathtub.

The thing is - I really understood a lot of what Phoenix was saying.

What bugs him bugs most people - to be misunderstood. He feels trapped by being defined as an actor the same way a dentist would if he or she yearned to be free to become a professional golfer but was told not to. I understood how maddening it was for Phoenix to be twice-nominated for Oscars which resulted in him gathering heaps of people around him that want him to pursue acting because 'he'd be crazy not to'. Agents, managers and friends felt he was at the pinnacle of success when really, he was at the precipice of a kind of prison.

I don't reckon he seriously wanted to be a hip hop artist - but he did want the freedom to do whatever he wanted to do professionally - whatever that may be. Unfortunately, stream of consciousness got the better of him and he shot his mouth off before he thought about what he was going to say.

He's become a peculiar kind of reality show Macbeth. A Howard Hughes of Hollywood - minus the mega cash.

The doco highlights the myth about acting and stardom. An actor is not 'brilliant' or a 'genius'. Pretending to be someone else convincingly is simply being a terrific phoney, an adept fraud and a well-crafted con artist - in a legal environment. It doesn't cure cancer or change the lives of people needing help from, say, Amnesty International. Acting is just a process of not being yourself.

What Joaquin Phoenix proves is this: there is freedom in being crazy and you don't have to be crazy to know that.

He looks less Boho and more hobo. The hair on the back of his head is coming alive like Medusa, holding its own performance and provides a metaphor for what's going on inside his head.

So how good is he at hip hop? He's 2 maybe 3 out of 5. Rhyming 'Wuckeen' with 'spleen' won't win awards or become a tattooed slogan on a fan's arm.

And there's something so very broken about the badly taped up arm of his Buddy Holly-styled permanent sunglasses.

It's a shame when people who are good at one thing yearn to be good at another when they don't have the skills and tools to pull it off. It also makes me a bit mad that they are so ungrateful for the one gift they do have. Then again - is a gift really seen as a gift if you don't want it?

Poor assistant Anton is abused in such a way, it's easy to see that Phoenix uses him to bash himself up. And Anton is a willing subservient whipping boy. He uses him like a tea towel to wipe his dirty feelings.

It's almost as if Joaquin has heard people say that awful thing - that the wrong brother died outside the Viper Room all those years ago. Maybe it makes him mad and hurt, hence the title. 'River isn't, but I'M STILL HERE.

So - is I'M STILL HERE a hoax? Phoenix's stab at immortality through immorality on a public stage? Starlets use weight gain and loss, so the guys stick a question mark over their sanity? Is this the greatest role Joaquin has ever played?

Could be. After all - there are a few parallels between this doco and DIG! - the doco about The Dandy Warhols and the Brian Jonestown Massacre. And both star a 'character' called Anton.

If it's not a hoax, Joaquin is a guy on the edge. Is he a suicide candidate? Possibly. Does he need help? Definitely.

But if it is a hoax, then we're the ones who need help. And we should have the guts to admit it.

We've been conned.

But we've been conned over and over again by the high level spin doctoring that typifies 21st century marketing and promotion. And while we're all sniggering at his decrepit body and vagrant appearance, he's really holding up a mirror to everyone sitting in the cinema.

We're the ones who are ugly and crazy. And while we're at it, we can add cruel and unkind to that description too.

I feel sorry for him and sad for us.

Rare Times in Charlestown

On very rare occasions to i trash a movie after seeing it.
I try to never see movies that i feel will be below the "6/10" scale.
But this particular movie did exactly that. It was hyped by a lot of people. And i was looking forward to watching this 'gem'. Yet after seeing it i want my hundred and twenty minutes of life back!

The action itself was good, i guess. The plot and story as cheesy and unbelievable as ________ . Have to admit they did pull of a great cast, but so did the people that made The Expendables.

Maybe it is simply not my cup of a tea movie.
Maybe its too hollywoodish for my taste.
Maybe Ben Affleck did it just to bury his sins with some girl he knows in real life.
Maybe i am being too honest and harsh.

Not Sure. Yes. Yes. Maybe. No.

Official Zhukowski Rating: 5.9/10 bananas

Do NOT read anything below (as usual) if you are planning on still seeing this movie

100 things I learned from watching 'The Town'

1. A smart cop will look the other way when he sees a van load of nuns with machine guns.

2.I'm not the only one in Boston with a gun.

3.Bringing the electric chair back to Charlestown may not be such a bad idea.

4. Whenever you can't link one scene with another, an aerial view of Boston is a good idea.

5. If you run to Florida after robbing Fenway Park, the FBI will stop looking for you.

6. A girl will get upset if, after a couple dates, she finds out you robbed her bank a few days ago

7. You can't easily hide a tangerine under a large pile of money

8. Municipal officials don't ask questions when given large sums of cash to renovate a skating rink

9. Chicks will put up with anything and still love a guy even after robbing her bank and kidnapping her.

11. Never work in a bank in Boston after 300 banks are robbed each year.

12. When driving an ambulance, it's always a good idea to wear a seat belt.

13. Even though you are the subject of a man-hunt and the neighborhood is crawling with police, it is possible to leave a note on the head FBI's car without being noticed.

21. Wow, Boston really does have no black people

22. Everyone in Boston still has a 1950's Boston accent.

23. You can live 20+ years of your life, in a small secluded town, where everyone knows everyone, and never find out that your mother didn't "run away".

24. Machine gun fights are common in Boston.

25. When an angry Ben Affleck tries to whisper in your ear, don't lean forward.

26. Diet coke tastes really good when you are in a police shootout.

27. Jon Hamm`s got a great head of hair and the same haircut he had in Mad Men 35 years ago

29. Physically, Ben Affleck is like fine wine...

31. Always wear sunglasses when you're about to steal a bunch of money from Fenway.

32. The best way to get a tramp to leave your room is to put her kid in the hallway.

33. Boston's tough guy crime bosses arrange roses to look tough and get someone to accept a job

59. In case FBI is trying to set a trap for a man in an apartment, at least 3,4 FBI agents must stand near the window so that the man can see them clearly from the front building!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Honesty is the Policy

Artists make the best art when they are good at what they doing.
The media which they have worked in.
When they have an open mind.
And mostly when they are bluntly honest about their feelings.
Without any care about what the "world" thinks of it.

And I always find, yeah, I always find somethin’ wrong
You been puttin’ up wit’ my shit just way too long
I’m so gifted at findin’ what I don’t like the most
So I think it’s time for us to have a toast

Let’s have a toast for the douchebags!
Let’s have a toast for the assholes!
Let’s have a toast for the scumbags
Every one of them that I know
Let’s have a toast for the jerkoffs
That’ll never take work off
Baby, I got a plan
Run away fast as you can

She find pictures in my email
I sent this bitch a picture of my dick
I don’t know what it is with females
But I’m not too good at that shit
See, I could have me a good girl
And still be addicted to them hoodrats
And I just blame everything on you
At least you know that’s what I’m good at

And I always find
Yeah, I always find
Yeah, I always find somethin’ wrong
You been puttin’ up wit’ my shit just way too long
I’m so gifted at findin’ what I don’t like the most
So I think it’s time for us to have a toast

Let’s have a toast for the douchebags!
Let’s have a toast for the assholes!
Let’s have a toast for the scumbags
Every one of them that I know
Let’s have a toast to the jerkoffs
That’ll never take work off
Baby, I got a plan
Run away fast as you can

Run away from me, baby
Run away
Run away from me, baby
Run away
Never thought it would get crazy
Just run away
Baby, I got a plan
Run away as fast as you can

Run away from me, baby
Run away
Run away from me, baby
Never thought it would get crazy
Why can’t she just run away?
Baby, I got a plan
Run away as fast as you can

(Pusha T)

24/7, 365, pussy stays on my mind
I-I-I-I did it, all right, all right, I admit it
Now pick your next move, you could leave or live wit’ it
Ichabod Crane with that motherfuckin’ top off
Split and go where? Back to wearin’ knockoffs, ha?
Knock it off, Neiman’s, shop it off
Let’s talk over mai tais, waitress, top it off
Hoes like vultures, they wanna fly in your Freddy loafers
You can’t blame ‘em, they ain’t never seen Versace sofas
Every bag, every blouse, every bracelet
Comes wit’ a price tag, baby, face it
You should leave if you can’t accept the basics
Plenty hoes in the baller-nigga matrix
Invisibly set, the Rolex is faceless
I’m just young, rich, and tasteless


Never was much of a romantic
I could never take the intimacy
And I know it did damage
‘Cause the look in your eyes is killin’ me
I’m guessin’ you’re at an advantage
‘Cause you could blame me for everything
And I don’t know how I’ma manage
If one day you just up and leave

And I always find
Yeah, I always find somethin’ wrong
You been puttin’ up with my shit just way too long
I’m so gifted at findin’ what I don’t like the most
So I think it’s time for us to have a toast

Let’s have a toast for the douchebags!
Let’s have a toast for the assholes!
Let’s have a toast for the scumbags
Every one of them that I know
Let’s have a toast to the jerkoffs
That’ll never take work off
Baby, I got a plan
Run away fast as you can

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Let The Right One In [2008, Sweden]

It is such a pleasure to watch a movie without seeing the trailer or knowing much of anything really but the fact that is is a well made film. This is exactly what happened here. Heard many good things about this one. Knew that i would have to focus while watching it (as should be with any film in general).

The setting adds such lovely appeal to the movie. 1982. Snow. Sweden. Middle class. Small working town.

The main beauty of the film is in the acting of the two leading characters. Their interactions, without much words.

Official Zhukowski Rating: 8.3/10

Re: Did she manipulate Oskar or was it legit?
by deranged-jackal (Mon Aug 2 2010 22:45:26)

So the reason you believe your ending is better, even though it could be just as much of a stretch as the others, is because the other endings would be pointless.

What I am saying is that they are not pointless. I think alot of people see this movie through the eyes of Eli while others see the movie through the eyes of Oskar. If you see this movie through the eyes of Oskar then you see a person who could go down the wrong way in life but then suddenly someone comes along who seems to completely understands him, doesnt judge him and cares very much for the "true" him. Why? Because this person is very wise. This person knows what lifes about and goes right to the heart of the matter. Why? Because this person is twice as old as the oldest person on earth and has alot more experience in seeing the patterns in life and this person finds out what is true and what is false on a much higher level than us mortals.

This person must also kill humans. So you have a person who is smart and must kill. This person sees a lonely boy stabbing a tree saying "die, die". Yes its also true that this person is very lonely, just as lonely as this person is wise and experienced. It is also true that this person is stuck as a young child which compounds the feeling of being lonely and lost. But we cant read this persons mind and differ what is the lost and lonely part and what is the killing/surviving part.So we see all these things that could go either way.

So back to the original question, what is the point of Eli being manipulative. The point is that this beautiful thing that happened between them has the possibility of going to complete sht. Its up to you to decide but the possibility makes it like your wondering if the person you deeply love, loves you back but even more worrisome because you could be enslaved by that love and kill innocent people for it. Its the extreme dichotemy of heaven or hell.

Another take is that Eli is not manipulative at all but she still could have met Hakan at a young age and they both could have loved each other like she and Oskar love each other. Elis mind though has stayed the same and because she is stuck as a child forgot that she loved Hakan and began to love him as a father. When she meets Oskar, Hakan realizes that he has been replaced. Its not Elis fault though.


How am i this scared of life? Not living the way i preach as in the right way of doing so. Yet not being able because of some mental, behavioral or basic human emotions?

Maybe it all is as 'black and white' as black and white really is...

Not able to view life for what it is on its most basic and of course it would have to be most important level...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Watching 'Beautiful Losers' right now. How do most events in my recent life seem to be blimps of fate? Whether it has to do with music, love, films, friendships, and art. At this specific moment i am watching this film that i downloaded close to a year ago, based on a recommendation by Chris Killoran (a guy from my high school basketball team) that i saw on Facebook. I have been saving time to see this for a while now, and it feels so fitting to watch it just few days after discovering Vancouver Art Crawl (thanks to Sylvia and Iulia)!

Official Zhuk Rating: 8.1/10 bananas

I might not be able to wait until summer to start painting. Really want to read up more on everything and have my brain just explode eventually. It would never have to be anything amazing or pretty. It will just be me - what i am made of and what did make me.