Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thus Spoke Zhukowski

i love art so much!
something has been missing up till now!
"creative/artistic output" - thanks, Iulia.
love something = throw yourself into it. crashing head on!
can't keep thoughts away from it.
zero action at work still...
need space? cooperative weather? tools?
why such strong emotions to something never done before?
(never using the word "I", because "i" am nothing really.
just a product of my surrounding. and there have been many.)
how important the people around and their influence?
oh so so much.
want to absorb /swallow the whole world into my head.
accepting of the negativity of the world of course.
but it would be negated (odd thing to state - negativity would be
by the knowledge and understanding.
would it?
or too much dreaming?
how hard does one dream/meditate till it becomes reality?
oh how powerful can one person be!
there is this line: "i can be anything on the internet"
we are all forgetting that we can be anything/anyone in our everyday life!
everyday is present as in The Present/The Gift.
how different we all are yet all the same all at the same time.
love this world and everyone in it!
only wish everyone and the world knew this.
there is nothing i want in return then all of their well being...

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