Friday, June 12, 2009


June 11, 2009

What a trip. Woke up to see the Lakers game. Yes, that means i woke up around 1700. Very good game. Dumb coaching or dumb player (J.Nelson) not to foul or at least force D.Fish into a two pointer, be it from then line or a lay up with eleven seconds to go in the regulation with Magic being up three points.
Shrek, ViC, Patrik, Vinny and Greg came to get me. Met Luis in Downtown. He works then goes to MMA training all mostly by bus, he needs three different shirts for day, one for work, one for MMA and one for bus. We all went to the Guu on Robson Street. Had a lot of beer and mohitas (spl?).

All the food tasted very good. Then walked down on Granville Street. Saw a lot of working girls. Never realized there are so many of them working. Guess it was peak time for them. Around midnight.
Went back to Richmond to pick up Patrik's "Lacoste shoe box"...thats when the night took some strange turns:

OMG, i just wrote down the whole tripping experience and by accident clicked back and i wasn't able to save it!!!

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