Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Poke Her Bungler

(all poker stories from 2p2ers playing LIVE pokerz)

- Button limps for 800 with approximately 8-10 BB's remaining.

- Small blind completes.
- My friend pushes all in from the big blind (with A5) with 8 BB's remaining.
- Button snap calls and turns over 88.

My friend says: "You had 8's on the button? Why didn't you raise?"

Button's response: "Because I only had eights"

My friend: "Then why did you call the all in?"

Button's response: "Because I had eights."

Young East Indian kid sits down next to me UTG. Dealer pitches the cards around and looks at him for action. The kid hasn't even unracked yet, looks confused and stares back at the dealer.

"$3 to call"
The kid throws in three white chips.

Action moves around, being raised (and maybe re-raised). When it gets back to the kid, he looks at me and says "Can I look at my cards yet?"

I can't help myself "Have you already put some money in?"

"Yes, sir. Three of the white ones."

"Sorry. You can't look now. Throw in six more."

He played the whole hand blind...

Heads up pre-flop.

Lady: I think you have aces but I call.
Me: Why did you call if you think he has aces?
Lady: Well, if he has aces, my 4-4 is about the same as K-K there. And there is no way I am folding K-K pre-flop.

1/2 at the Orleans in Vegas. 6-way limped pot, SB folds and the BB shoves all-in for $79. Everyone folds except for the Button who forcibly says "Call" and flips over his hand - 95 offsuit.

BB looks confused, turns over JJ, the dealer runs the board and the BB wins the hand.

As I'm sitting next to the Button, I ask him, "Um...you mind me asking why you called his all-in with 95?"

The guy looks at me like I'm a total noob and replies, "I had position."

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